Harrisburg, Pa – As first reported on Valentines Day by Alex Peterson of ABC27, Lt. Governor John Fetterman unwittingly sparked an ongoing Twitter war this month.

It all began on February 11 when Fetterman posted a flashy photo of his beautiful wife to his Twitter account.

A debate ensued concerning what is appropriate for social media, and the difference between personal twitter accounts vs. public official’s twitter accounts.

The controversy was further enflamed when Lt. Governor Fetterman blocked two of his twitter critics, then used popular news outlets to defame the republican voters.

On behalf of Fetterman’s critics, Attorney Marc Scaringi alerted the Lt. Governor to looming legal action regarding the public official defaming his constituents by making false accusations, and violating their First Amendments rights by blocking them from participating in the public debate forum.

After a defiant Lt. Governor told media outlets that he would “absolutely” not unblock them, one day before the expiration of that deadline the Lt. Governor folded. He unblocked Mr. Jason Lindemuth and Mr. Sean Guay.

On February 20 Jamie Bittner claimed FOX43 “broke the story” when she tweeted her report featuring John Fetterman’s decision to unblock his critics.

Mr. Lindemuth and Mr. Guay are very pleased that they are victorious in their challenge to the Lt. Governor. Mr. Lindemuth and Mr. Guay are true champions of the First Amendment.

Fetterman had initially blocked his constituents following their criticism on Twitter, then accused Guay of harassing his family and engaging in “Islamophobic dog whistling” in an interview with Pittsburgh Action News 4, Attorney Marc Scaringi said.

“Neither Mr. Lindemuth nor Mr. Guay attacked the Lt. Governor’s spouse, his children or spread hateful speech or rhetoric,” said Scaringi.

Guay replied to Fetterman’s response to Jamie Bittners tweet where she claimed that FOX43 first broke the story.

Alex Peterson took notice of the tweet activity and Bittner’s claim. He tweeted a response stating that she was 5 days late to the story that he first broke.

Peterson tweeted, “Sorry boo.”

After genuinely wishing a HAPPY SATURDAY in all caps, Peterson then inserted a series of happy face emojis.

“The Lt. Governor should know that Mr. Guay is not racist or Islamophic,” Scaringi said. “He does not fear or hate Muslims; he married one. Mr. Guay’s wife, Yesmin Farzana, immigrated to the U.S. from Bangledesh, a Muslim majority country. Mrs. Guay is a proud Muslim-American of the Islamic faith. Like the Lt. Governor is proud of his wife’s culture and heritage, Mr. Guay is proud of his wife’s culture and heritage. Perhaps the Lt. Governor would like to meet her someday. She could teach the Lt. Governor much about the Muslim culture and the Islamic faith.”

Posted by hbg100.com

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